Practical steps on dealing with rejection.

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Rejection is so hard to swallow sometimes. Especially when you feel like you deserve better than that. You could lose it and maybe give up. That is not the answer though. Today I’ll share a few tips on how to deal with rejection, and get over it faster.

  1. Take into account the reason for the rejection.

    When you lose, don’t fail to get the lesson. When you are rejected, to deal with it, you need to acknowledge it first. Reflect, take some time out and just think. Maybe, just maybe something is not going right with you. Reflect and see if you can handle the change. Because it is already clear that the opposite you will bring the opposite of rejection. Related image

  2. Don’t let it define you.

    Mentally strong people don’t make sweeping generalizations when they’re rejected. If one company turns them down for a job, they don’t declare themselves incompetent. Or, if they get rejected by a single love interest, they don’t conclude they’re unlovable. They keep rejection in proper perspective. Be strong and bold enough to accept rejection but not let it change your life. Remain full of life and love, there is so much more to see and experience. Don’t become bitter and vain. Who you are and who people say you are, are different things. Image result for dealing with rejection quotes

  3.  Rejection is God’s protection-Alice Hunt. 

    Sometimes when we get rejected the reasons are not always so bad. Rather than name yourself useless because of rejections, start seeing it as God’s way of redirecting you to something bigger. Accept it and move on from that, there is alwaysssssss a reason why. Image result for God's rejection for success

  4. Don’t be so hard on yourself. 

    I say this a lot. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Sometimes we try our very best but we still come last. It is the circle of life, keep trying and your day to win will come. Let that day not come when you have given up, because in the end you won’t be able to blame it on rejection. Forgive yourslf, console yourself qnd don’t internalize it. Don’t take rejection personal, everybody gets rejected at some point. Turn your fqce towards the sun, let the shadows fall behind you…Image result for dealing with rejection quotes

  5. Give yourself a treat. 

    When you get rejected, your ego is hurt too. Nobody likes that feeling. Rather than stay and let your ego toment you and make you unhappy longer, give yourself a treat. Take care of yourself. Meet new people, travel to new places, buy some new stuff…Just take care of yourself. Rebuild your ego by reminding yourself about how much you are still worth everything good. Image result for give yourself a treat quotesImage result for give yourself a treat quotes

If you are going through a period of rejection, I hope these help you in someway. Also, it helps if you avoid stressful activities for a while. When you are stressed you start thinking of everything that is not going right in your life and you get bitter and even more stressful. This could build until you have a break down. Take care of you!

Let’ts Go!

7 thoughts on “Practical steps on dealing with rejection.

  1. Fon God'slove Tingwey says:

    Janice, this is beautiful and so inspiring. To think that I was just going through some tough times now and feeling rejected. Hmmmmmm this has just come in to uplift my spirit thanks girl…… Keep up.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. AKN says:

    I like the approach that you use to tackle psycho-emotional instabilities.
    Your write up is quite edifying and expresses truths that many are still to discover yet alone accept.

    Liked by 1 person

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