Tips to having peace of mind.

Did you know that to rest your mind, you must not necessarily sleep? You can take some personal time for yourself to practice peace of mind.

What is peace of mind? Peace of mind is a state of mental and emotional calmness, with no worries, fears or stress. In this state, the mind is quiet, and you experience a sense of happiness and freedom.

Peace of mind does not mean doing weird yoga poses. You probably have these moments daily but you have not recognized them so you can’t tap into the power. 

Here are a few examples:

  • Watching an entertaining movie or TV program.
  • Being in the company of someone you love.
  • Being absorbed in reading a book.
  • Lying on the sand at the beach.
  • On vacation, when you experience some sort of mental numbness, forgetting your work and day-to-day-life.
  • In deep asleep, when you are not aware of anything.

The issue is how to maintain this peace of mind when the tides get high.

Practice these tips daily.

  1. Minimize the time you spend on reading newspapers or watching the news on TVI mean let’s face facts, most of the news we get on these platforms is bad news anyways. Don’t let the world’s problem burden your mind, if you can’t do anything to help. Image result for minimize time spent on tv arts
  2. Stay away from negative conversations and from negative people. You don’t want their thoughts and words to sink into your subconscious mind and affect your moods and state of mind. Image result for stay away from negative conversations
  3. Don’t hold grudges. Learn to forget and forgive. Forgiveness is not for the other person, it is for you. When you hold grudges you weight down your mind with so much useless information. It has already happened, move on. Image result for don't hold grudges arts
  4. Don’t be jealous of other people. Jealousy is counting someone else’s blessings instead of yours. We often spend time looking at how someone else seems to be living the perfect life. This makes us dislike them and then we can’t rest because we spend every waking hour disliking them. Image result for don't be jealous arts
  5. Accept what cannot be changed. This saves a lot of time, energy and worries. Life is full of ups and downs. One day we are up, next day we are down. You will have more peace of mind if you start accepting things as they are and not as they are supposed to be. Image result for accept what cannot be changed arts
  6. Learn to be more patient and tolerant with family, friends, co-workers, employees, and everyone else.

Inner peace eventually, leads to external peace. By creating peace in your inner world, in your mind, you bring it into your external world, and into other people’s lives.

Let’s go!

P.S Pick up this really cool Peace of Mind Planner.

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