Is Dyslexia is a mental disorder?

Dyslexia is not a mental illness according to most definitions although 30 years ago dyslexic people were often cared for by psychiatrists. Today we call dyslexia a learning disability. Image result for dyslexia

The problem with dyslexia in today’s society is that people are often very mean and judgemental towards children with it. Imagine this; you are a kid, you can do everything like a normal kid but in school everyhting just freaks you out. You can’t undertsand what is going on around you, and even when you do you can’t write it dozn like other children. You classmates laugh at you daily, because you try your best but somehow you ALWAYS fail. Your teacher may even be one of those wicked “this isn’t how I wanted my life to be”, grumpy teachers , who beats you for failing without even looking for why you keep failing.

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Watch out for the following digns in your children. You should never say mean things to a child who keeps failing. It’s already bad enough to be the considered the stupid one in class. Eventually such children become withdrawn from the world and end up developing other mental disorders.

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The primary symptoms are:

Problems learning the letter sounds for reading and spelling

Difficulty in reading single words,such as on flash cards and in lists (decoding)

Lack of fluency

Reading slowly with many mistakes

Poor spelling

Poor visual gestalt / coding (orthographic coding)

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Compensatory strategies can help people cope with dyslexia in daily life. Early diagnosis and support can lead to long-term improvements.

Interventions may include:

  • Psychological testing: This helps teachers develop a better-targeted program for the child. Techniques usually involve tapping into the child’s senses, including touch, vision, and hearing.
  • Guidance and support: Counseling can help minimize any negative impact on self-esteem.
  • On-going evaluation: Adults with dyslexia may benefit from evaluation to continue developing their coping strategies and identify areas where more support is needed.

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“Although the outlook for people with dyslexia depends on the severity of their disorder, the majority live normal, productive lives.”


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